
If the items you ordered do not fit as desired or do not meet your expectations... No problem! You have the right to cancel your order or return any item within 14 days.



Unfortunately we are currently not able to exchange items directly. If you would like an item in a different color or size, please order it separately. Simply return the item you have already received, and we will refund your money.



You will be responsible for the return shipping costs associated with all orders.

Please be sure to place our PDF merchandise return slip, which you can generate in the customer area, in the package. This will help us process your return.

Please print the PDF return slip, fill it out, and enclose it with your return.

You can download our PDF merchandise return slip here

Return conditions:

Please send your goods back to us. You will be charged for freight-collect packages or shipments that are not shipped via our DHL portal.

You may only return items that were exclusively tried on to check the fit. Any worn or washed merchandise is excluded from the return policy.

Textiles and accessories must be returned in their original packaging.

If possible, please use our shipping box for the return.

Our return shipment address:

Grubenhelden GmbH

- Retouren -

Maria-Theresien-Str. 1

45964 Gladbeck


As soon as we have processed your return and reimbursed the amount, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us. Please note that processing may take up to 14 days. Thank you for your understanding.

For questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department at

For additional information, please refer to the provisions in our General Terms and Conditions.

The fields marked with * are required.